INSTEON Lighting



SmartHome's INSTEON devices communicate using their own protocol or X-10. HomeVision can control INSTEON devices using X-10, but you sacrifice some of the features and improved reliability of the INSTEON protocol. HomeVision does not contain built-in support for the INSTEON protocol. However, Tom Carter (a long-time HomeVision user) figured out how to use HomeVision to implement the INSTEON protocol. His approach makes use of the HomeVision "custom lighting" feature. HomeVision communicates with a Serial INSTEON PowerLinc Modem through a HomeVision serial port, and the modem communicates with INSTEON devices over the powerline. Tom has written a very helpful paper that explains how he did this with HomeVision, and provides macros that other users can copy and paste into their own HomeVision schedule if they want to use INSTEON devices.


Requirements for Use

You must have the following to use the INSTEON devices with HomeVision:

bulletA Serial INSTEON PowerLinc Modem.
bulletAn unused HomeVision or HomeVision-Pro serial port to connect the PowerLinc to.  For HomeVision, the use of an add-on HomeVision-Serial or HomeVision-Phone/Serial device is strongly recommended.  For HomeVision-Pro, ports 3 or 4 are recommended, although a HomeVision-Phone/Serial add-on device can also be used.
bullet HomevisionXL software. Tom's macros use a few commands that are unique to the HomeVisionXL software. If you haven't used HomeVisionXL, you should consider it even if not using Tom's macros. HomeVisionXL does everything the HomeVision and HomeVision-Pro software do, and more.
bulletHomeVision or HomeVision-Pro version 3.4 or higher.


Download Instructions and Required Files

Tom's information is provided in these three files:

    HV-INSTEON.PDF: Description of using INSTEON with HomeVision.

    HV-INSTEON-Macros.PDF: Printouts of macros used in the HomeVision schedule.

    INSTEON-HAF.ZIP: Zipped HomeVisionXL schedule file containing the macros that can be copied and pasted into the user's schedule.

Note: You should also check the HomeVision Yahoo! Groups file section for newer versions of these files.


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Last updated:
01 October 2013

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