Download PC Software for HomeVision PROM Version 2.7

The following software is for use with older HomeVision PROM versions 2.7x or C2.7x only.  If you have a higher numbered PROM (2.8x or C2.8x or higher), you should use the newer 32-bit software available here.

Both 16-bit and 32-bit software versions are available.  Most users should use the 32-bit version, as it has several advantages over the 16-bit version.  It was designed for Windows 95/98/2000/NT.  If you're running Windows 3.0 or 3.1, you should use the 16-bit version.

32-Bit Software (Version 2.75c) for Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP

The complete 32-bit installation in contained in this single file:

    setup_32.exe    (file size = 4.0MB, updated 2 October 2000)

If you've previously installed a 32-bit version, you only need to download the latest HomeVision.exe file here:    (file size = 0.4MB, updated 8 October 2000)

This 32-bit version has several features not found in the 16-bit software:

bulletSupport for long file names
bulletCan read a comma-delimited text file and load the contents into HomeVision variables
bulletCan transmit X-10 "extended code" and "extended data" commands

Run the file "Setup_32.exe" to install the HomeVision 32-bit application. After the installation is complete, you can delete the setup file.  By default, the installation program will install the software into a different directory than the 16-bit program.  If you're switching from the 16-bit software, copy your "pref.hap" file and your schedule file(s) from the 16-bit program directory into the new 32-bit directory. 

16-Bit Software (Version 2.7h) for Windows 3.0/3.1

The complete 16-bit installation in contained in these three files:

    setup.exe    (file size = 1.4MB)
    setup.w02   (file size = 1.4MB)
    setup.w03   (file size = 0.2MB bytes)

NOTE: Some browsers try to open the setup.w02 and setup.w03 files instead of downloading them, or download them as ASCII text instead of binary data. If so, the setup program will crash half-way through installation. If this happens, download these two files instead: setupw02.exe and setupw03.exe. Then, rename them to "setup.w02" and "setup.w03" respectively (the second to last digit is the number zero).  Place the three files into a single directory, then run the file "Setup.exe" to install the HomeVision application. After the installation is complete, you can delete the three setup files.

If you already have a previous 2.7 version installed, you can download just the new HomeVis.exe file (zipped) here:    (file size = 0.4MB, updated 2 October 2000)


Software Version History and Downloads (for versions 2.7 and older)


Release Date



23 May 1996

Initial release.


15 August 1996

Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to make numerous changes:
bulletAdded X-10 receive sequences (to trigger events).
bulletAdded an on-line help file.
bulletAdded learned infrared signal import/export capability.
bulletAdded ability to learn infrared signals without measuring carrier frequency.
bulletImproved serial port performance when running on slow computers.
bulletModified the video (TV) screens.
bulletAdded TV event log.
bulletAdded support for serial com ports 3 and 4.
bulletNumerous other improvements.


16 September 1996

Firmware (PROM) upgrade only to:
bulletCorrect an error when displaying the level of PCS lighting modules.
bulletImprove the infrared signal learning process.


6 October 1996

Release consists of new software and firmware (PROM). However, some new features will work with older PROMs. Main changes:
bulletAdded remote modem control capability (requires 2.02 or later PROM).
bulletAdded X-10 grid control screen in PC software (requires new 2.1 PROM).
bulletAdded new thermostat commands (requires 2.02 or later PROM).


15 December 1996

Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to make numerous changes:
bulletAdded support for RCS TX10-B bidirectional thermostat.
bulletImproved the serial interface reading capability.
bulletAdded more X-10 commands.
bulletNumerous other changes.

NOTE: You must have a version 2.22 PROM to run the 2.22 software.


1 January 1997

Software-only upgrade to correct a bug. The If-Then condition "X-10 module is at level ##" contained a bug that would cause the schedule download to fail or the controller to run incorrectly. If you already have software version 2.22, you can replace the homevis.exe file with the new 2.23 homevis.exe file.

NOTE: You must have a version 2.22 PROM to run the 2.23 software.


2 February 1997

Software and firmware upgrade to:
bulletSupport new Multifunction Expansion Board.
bulletPlay wave files on a PC.
bulletRun other programs on a PC.
bulletLog serial messages to a file.
bulletDisplay event log on PC.
bulletAnd more ...

NOTE: You must have a version 2.32 or 2.33 PROM to run the 2.32 software.


16 February 1997

Firmware (PROM) change to improve the logging of events to the TV event log.

NOTE: This PROM continues to work with the 2.32 software.


6 April 1997

Software-only upgrade adds new features:
bulletImproved schedule editing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete), even between HomeVision schedules.
bulletThe controller can send messages to a message window on the PC.
bulletThe controller can send keystrokes to other programs running on the PC.
bulletThe controller can send data to the PC, and have the data forwarded to another serial port. Data received at the other serial port can also be forwarded to the HomeVision controller.
bulletDynamic Data Exchange (DDE) capability to allow other software programs to communicate with the HomeVision software.
bulletCan display a bitmap graphic on the main HomeVision form.

NOTE: You must have a version 2.32 or 2.33 PROM to run the 2.4 software.


29 June 1997

Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to add numerous capabilities:
bulletWeather conditions video screen.
bulletSchedule viewer screen.
bulletData logging function for recording data.
bulletCommands to directly control RCS TX10 and TX10-B thermostats.
bulletSerial interface commands to simulate pressing IR remote buttons. This facilitates voice control of the video screen system.
bulletThe Multifunction Expansion Board can connect to Dallas Semiconductor digital temperature sensors.
bulletThe Multifunction Expansion Board can connect to input/output boards manufactured by Sylva Control Systems.

NOTE: You must have a version 2.5 PROM to run this software.


25 October 1997

Software-only upgrade:
bulletAdded support for PC serial comm ports 5-9
bulletAdded a software screen to view and change the flag and variable values in the controller
bulletAdded caller ID support for ITU Technologies device
bulletAdded caller ID name lookup feature
bulletUser can select the text colors for the "Actions Entry Screen"
bulletModified the software screens to save their size and position each time they are closed

NOTE: You must have a version 2.5 PROM to run this software.


31 December 1997

Software-only change to correct an obscure bug that could cause the error "Run Time Error 30006 (Flood percent must between 0 to 100)" when downloading a schedule.

NOTE: You must have a version 2.5 PROM to run this software.

12 March 1998 Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to:
bulletAdd X-10 commands to set the new X-10 lamp and appliance modules (LM14A and AM14A) and Leviton 6381 modules directly to a level without going to full brightness first
bulletAdd a customizable video menu system
bulletAdd RAM video screens
bulletAdd several macro, serial, video, and infrared signal commands
bulletImprove how the serial data input event works
bulletImprove performance for international users (50Hz, 220V)
bulletMake numerous other enhancements
bulletFixed a bug with using the "Clear all flags" command inside a scheduled event would not work properly
2.61b 6 May 1998 Software-only release to correct bug with sunset and sunrise times calculations for locations in the southern hemisphere.
18 October 1998 Software-only upgrade to:
bulletSupport lighting "scenes" with newer X-10 LM14A and Leviton 6381 switches
bulletControl Enerzone StatNet thermostats connected through the PC
bulletCorrectly calculate sunset and sunrise times for locations in the southern hemisphere
bulletAdd a "Most Recently Used" files list to the File menu
bulletAdd a "New IR Signal" button to the IR Learn screen to create a new signal without leaving the IR Learn screen
bulletMinimize the main software screen when started from a Windows shortcut set for "minimized"
bulletAutomatically play a unique WAV file for each caller detected with caller ID
2.7 22 February 1999 Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to support new HomeVision-Serial device.  This was a limited-release version provided only to purchasers of HomeVision-Serial.
2.7c 2 April 1999 Software and firmware (PROM) upgrade to:
bulletAllow any X-10 command in your schedule to use a variable value to specify the X-10 address (instead of entering a "fixed" X-10 address)
bulletAdd two other X-10 commands to perform a "direct to level" command based upon a variable value and to put the current level into a variable
bulletAdd X-10 commands to support the "scene" capability of newer Leviton devices like the 6343
bulletAdd commands to put a timer value into variables and to load a timer with values from variables
bulletAdd commands to multiply or divide a variable by another variable or a constant
bulletAdd an If-Then condition to check the phone number of a caller (as determined by caller ID)
bulletAdd support for the "Auto Send" feature of the newer RCS TX15B thermostats
bulletAdd commands to change the clock time from within a schedule
bulletAllow the user to specify a PC directory where WAV files will be located
bulletAdd commands to immediately read input ports B and C
bulletAdd ability to "simulate" infrared Keypresses within a schedule to control the video menu system
bulletAdd a "text storage buffer". This storage area can hold up to 256 characters of data. You can extract data from received serial messages and put it into the storage area. You can then display any portion of the text storage area in custom video screens
bulletAdd ability for the controller to automatically report state changes to the PC
18 December 1999 Software and firmware (PROM) revisions to correct several bugs.

The only significant bug was that previous PROM versions would incorrectly calculate the end of daylight savings time in the years 1999 and 2000.  As a result, the HomeVision controller would incorrectly set its clock back one week too early in October (if the Automatic Daylight Savings Time Adjustment feature was enabled).  To prevent this from happening in October 2000, you should obtain a new PROM before then.  We expect to release a new version in the second quarter of 2000 that will add a variety of new features, so you may want to wait until then to upgrade.

4 February 2000 New firmware (PROM) revision to correct a bug in the 2.7e PROM where the X-10 video screens would sometimes display device names improperly.
6 May 2000 New 16-bit software version which removes unneeded data from your HomeVision schedule file. Previous versions would sometimes leave excess data in the file, needlessly increasing the file size.
6 May 2000 First 32-bit software version. Has the same capabilities as 16-bit version 2.7g, plus the following:
bulletSupport for long file names
bulletCan read a comma-delimited text file and load the contents into HomeVision variables
bulletCan transmit X-10 "extended code" and "extended data" commands
14 July 2000 Update to 32-bit software versions 2.75 and 2.75a to fix a bug when printing event log.
2 October 2000 New 16-bit software version which corrects a bug in previous versions.  In previous versions, if you performed a certain sequence of events, the infrared signal information could get corrupted. This has been corrected.

NOTE: You must have a PROM version 2.7 or higher to run the 2.7 PC software.

2 October 2000 New 32-bit software version which corrects a bug in previous versions.  In previous versions, if you performed a certain sequence of events, the infrared signal information could get corrupted. This has been corrected.

NOTE: You must have a PROM version 2.75 or higher to run the 32-bit PC software.

  For the history of newer versions, see this page.

Last updated:
01 October 2013

Copyright © 1996-2013, all rights reserved, by:
Custom Solutions, Inc.
1705 Canterbury Drive, Indialantic, FL 32903

HomeVision® is a registered trademark of Custom Solutions, Inc.