Wiring Tips


If you have the opportunity to build a new home, here are some wiring ideas you may want to consider:

bulletWiring closet:  Centralize as much as possible in a wiring closet. "Home run" everything to it.
bulletWhole-house A/V distribution:   Use RG6 (not RG59) and run dual cables from each room outlet to the wiring closet.
bulletWhole-house infrared distribution:   You could do this via the TV coax (ChannelPlus equipment is popular for this). However, you might need to "zone" the HomeVision IR output if you have multiple devices that use the same IR codes (for example, if you have two Sony TV's in your house). This usually requires running dedicated wires (4 conductors should do) from each outlet to the wiring closet.
bulletSecurity system:  Run at least 6 conductors to provide control and status from HomeVision. If your alarm provides discrete outputs for each zone, you'll need at least one wire per zone, plus a common.
bulletVideo cameras:  Depending on the camera output (A/V or video only) and signal type (composite video (RCA jacks) or modulated on a channel), you may need RG6 (possibly two if audio and video are separate) or RCA cables (although twisted-pair may work for short runs). Also run cable for power and ground.
bulletIn-wall speakers:  18-gauge (minimum) to each speaker. If you want a volume control in each room, wire to the control, then the speaker.
bulletMicrophones:  If you plan on whole-house voice recognition, run at least 4 conductors to each microphone location.
bulletSprinkler system:  Figure out how you want to control it (possibly one relay for each zone, plus one or two master control relays). Run enough wires to directly control each relay.
bulletComputer:  3 conductors (preferably Cat-5 cable) from computer.
bulletWeather station:  4 conductors (preferably Cat-5 cable).
bulletTemperature sensors:  3 conductors to each sensor.
bulletRun additional wires (preferably Cat-5 cable) for such items as:
bulletMotion sensors (3 or 4 conductors)
bulletA/V equipment on/off sensors (3 conductors)
bulletDoor or window contacts (2 conductors)
bulletFloor stress sensors (4 conductors)
bulletVehicle detector (4 conductors)
bulletWater sensors (2 conductors) located near water heater, washing machine, sinks, basements, etc.
bulletDoorbell (run from the button or the ringer to HomeVision)
bulletDrapery/blind controller
bulletVideo projector lift or screen. Control lines plus wires for limit switches


bulletRun conduit anywhere else you may later want wires.  This will make it easier to add them.  Run two from the basement to the attic - one for high-voltage (110/220VAC), the other for low-voltages.

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Last updated:
01 October 2013

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