Lightning Damage and Replacement Parts


Lightning Damage

Every year a number of HomeVision units are damaged by lightning strikes. This isn't surprising considering the many wires that users typically have connected to HomeVision. These wires, which often run long distances through the home, can easily pick up voltage surges induced by nearby lighting strikes. While a UPS or surge suppressor may protect against surges on the AC power lines, wires connected to serial ports or digital I/O lines are unprotected.

The most frequent damage occurs to the HomeVision serial port. This usually results in the inability of the PC to communicate with the HomeVision controller, although other HomeVision functions are usually not damaged. It is also common for the digital I/O lines to be damaged.

Users may return a damaged HomeVision unit for repair. However, since lightning damage isn't covered by the warranty, there is a charge for this. This also results in several days of downtime while you wait for the repaired unit. Therefore, you may prefer to repair the unit yourself. In most cases of lighting damage, only the interface chip(s) are damaged. These chips are in sockets and are easy to replace. Our troubleshooting web page explains how to isolate most failures to the faulty chip. Once you know which chip is faulty, you can obtain one from a variety of sources. The next section provides part numbers from three popular electronic parts distributors (DigiKey, Mouser, and Jameco).

Recommended Spare Parts

Rather than waiting until damage occurs, you may prefer to purchase a handful of parts in advance. That way, you'll be able to immediately repair the damage.   Following are recommended kits of parts you may want to have on hand.

Recommended spares for HomeVision or HomeVision-PC unit:

bullet2 serial interface chips (MAX232CPE or equivalent)
bullet4 1489 input receivers
bullet1 ULN2803A (if you use HomeVision output Port A)
bullet1 PCF8574PN
bullet1 DS80C320 (this processor chip typically isn’t damaged by lighting, although it does sometimes happen)

Recommended spares for HomeVision-Pro unit:

bullet3 RS-232 serial interface chips (MAX232CPE or equivalent)
bullet2 RS-485 serial interface chips (MAX489CPD)
bullet4 1489 input receivers
bullet1 74HC573
bullet1 74HC4053
bullet1 PCF8574PN
bullet1 PCF8591PN
bullet1 DS80C320 (this processor chip typically isn’t damaged by lighting, although it does sometimes happen)

Recommended spares for Multifunction Expansion Board:

bullet6 74HC573
bullet4 1489 input receivers
bullet1 74HC4053
bullet1 ULN2803A (if you use the infrared output jacks)
bullet2 PCF8574PN
bullet2 PCF8591PN (if you use the analog inputs)
bullet1 Resistor network, 2.7K
bullet1 Resistor network, 100K

Recommended spares for HomeVision-Serial:

bullet1 RS-232 serial interface chip (MAX232CPE or equivalent)
bullet1 RS-485 serial interface chip (MAX489CPD)

Recommended spares for HomeVision-Phone/Serial:

bullet1 RS-232 serial interface chip (MAX232CPE or equivalent)

Recommended spares for HomeVision-Phone/CID:

bulletNone (spare parts are not readily available)


Replacement Parts List

Note: Prices shown were obtained June 2003 and are subject to change.

RS-232 Serial Interface Chip
Where used: HomeVision, HomeVision-Pro, HomeVision-Serial, and HomeVision-Phone/Serial RS-232 serial interface
Manufacturer part numbers: MAX232CPE, SP232ACP, ICL232CPL
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey MAX232CPE @ $3.31
Jameco 24811 @ $2.19
Mouser 570-ICL232CPE @ $ 2.45

RS-485 Serial Interface Chip
Where used: HomeVision-Pro and HomeVision-Serial RS-485 serial interface
Manufacturer part numbers: MAX489CPD
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey MAX489CPD @ $2.81

74HC573 Input Latch
Where used: Multifunction Expansion Board ports 2 and 3; HomeVision-Pro Port C LEDs
Manufacturer part numbers: 74HC573N, MM74HC573N, TC74HC573AP, SN74HC573AN, M74HC573B1R
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
Jameco 46076 @ $0.69
DigiKey MM74HC573N @ $0.72
DigiKey TC74HC573AP @ $0.64
DigiKey SN74HC573AN @ $0.49
Mouser 512-MM74HC573N @ $0.54
Mouser 511-M74HC573 @ $0.70

74HC4053 Multiplexer
Where used: HomeVision-Pro and Multifunction Expansion Board digital temperature sensor interface
Manufacturer part numbers:
MM74HC4053N, TC74HC4053AP, M74HC4053B1R
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey MM74HC4053N @ $0.67
DigiKey TC74HC4053AP @ $0.72
Mouser 512-MM74HC4053N @ $0.50>
Mouser 511-M74HC4053 @ $0.84

1489 Input Receiver
Where used: HomeVision port B, HomeVision-Pro port B, Multifunction Expansion Board port 1
Manufacturer part numbers: DS1489N, MC1489N, MC1489P, LM1489N, DS14C89N
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey DS1489N @ $0.58
DigiKey MC1489N @ $0.48
Jameco 23181 @ $0.24
Jameco 16379 @ $0.65
Mouser 511-MC1489P @ $0.28

ULN2803A Driver
Where used: HomeVision Port A, Multifunction Expansion Board IR zones output
Manufacturer part numbers: ULN2803A, ULN2803AP
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey ULN2803AP @ $0.72
Jameco 34315 @ $0.69
Mouser 511-ULN2803A @ $0.44

Where used: HomeVision port C, HomeVision-Pro port C, Multifunction Expansion Board (controls all input ports)
Manufacturer part numbers: PCF8574PN, PCF8574N
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey PCF8574N (or 296-13109-5-ND) @ $1.88

Where used: Multifunction Expansion Board and HomeVision-Pro analog inputs
Manufacturer part numbers: PCF8591PN
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:

DS80C320 Processor
Where used: HomeVision and HomeVision-Pro processor
Manufacturer part number: DS80C320-MCG
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey DS80C320-MCG @ $14.84
Jameco 114403 @ $14.95

Resistor network, 2.7K
Where used: Multifunction Expansion Board port 1
Manufacturer part number: 4116R-1-272 (there are also others)
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey 4116R-1-272 @ $0.60
Mouser 4116R-1-272 @ $0.49

Resistor network, 100K
Where used: Multifunction Expansion Board ports 2 and 3
Manufacturer part number: 4116R-1-104 (there are also others)
Distributor part numbers and typical prices:
DigiKey 4116R-1-104 @ $0.60
Mouser 4116R-1-104 @ $0.49
Jameco 108644 @ $0.49

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Last updated:
01 October 2013

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Custom Solutions, Inc.
1705 Canterbury Drive, Indialantic, FL 32903

HomeVision® is a registered trademark of Custom Solutions, Inc.